

Middleware is a Video.js feature that allows interaction with and modification of how the Player and Tech talk to each other. For more in-depth information, check out our feature spotlight.

Table of Contents

Understanding Middleware

Middleware are functions that return an object with methods matching those on the Tech. There are currently a limited set of allowed methods that will be understood by middleware. These are: buffered, currentTime, setCurrentTime, duration, seekable, played, play, pause and paused.

These allowed methods are split into three categories: getters, setters, and mediators.

Middleware Setters

Setters will be called on the Player first and run through middleware (from left to right) before calling the method, with its arguments, on the Tech.

Middleware Getters

Getters are called on the Tech first and are run though middleware (from right to left) before returning the result to the Player.

Middleware Mediators

Mediators are called on the Player first, run through middleware (from left to right), then called on the Tech. The result is returned to the Player unchanged, while calling the middleware from right to left. For more information on mediators, check out the mediator section.

+----------+                      +----------+
|          |  setter middleware   |          |
|          +---------------------->          |
|  Player  |                      |   Tech   |
|          <----------------------+          |
|          |  getter middleware   |          |
+----------+                      +----------+

Termination and Mediators

Mediators are the third category of allowed methods. These are methods that not only change the state of the Tech, but also return some value back to the Player. Currently, these are play and pause.

               mediate to tech

+----------+                      +----------+
|          |                      |          |
|          +-----call{method}----->          |
|  Player  |                      |   Tech   |
|          <-------{method}-------+          |
|          |                      |          |
+----------+                      +----------+

              mediate to player

Mediators make a round trip: starting at the Player, mediating to the Tech and returning the result to the Player again. A call{method} method must be supplied by the middleware which is used when mediating to the Tech. On the way back to the Player, the {method} will be called instead, with 2 arguments: terminated, a Boolean indicating whether a middleware terminated during the mediation to the tech portion, and value, which is the value returned from the Tech. A barebones example of a middleware with Mediator methods is:

var myMiddleware = function(player) {
  return {
    callPlay: function() {
      // mediating to the Tech
    pause: function(terminated, value) {
      // mediating back to the Player

Middleware termination occurs when a middleware method decides to stop mediating to the Tech. We'll see more examples of this in the next section.

Using Middleware

Middleware are registered to a video MIME type, and will be run for any source with that type.

videojs.use('video/mp4', myMiddleware);

You can also register a middleware on all sources by registering it on *.

videojs.use('*', myMiddleware);

Your middleware should be a function that takes a player as an argument and returns an object with methods on it like below:

var myMiddleware = function(player) {
  return {
    currentTime: function(ct) {
      return ct / 2;
    setCurrentTime: function(time) {
      return time * 2;

videojs.use('*', myMiddleware);

Terminating Mediator Methods

Mediator methods can terminate, by doing the following:

var myMiddleware = function(player) {
  return {
    callPlay: function() {
      // Terminate by returning the middleware terminator
      return videojs.middleware.TERMINATOR;
    play: function(terminated, value) {
      // the terminated argument should be true here.

videojs.use('*', myMiddleware);


setSource is a required method for all middleware and must be included in the returned object. If your middlware is not manipulating or rejecting the source, you can pass along the source by doing the following:

videojs.use('*', function(player) {
  return {
    setSource: function(srcObj, next) {
      // pass null as the first argument to indicate that the source is not rejected
      next(null, srcObj);